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Can you believe that half the year is gone already! If you had asked me where I would be or what I would be doing in July, my answer would have been totally different.
Actually, it would have been “Alaska for the win!” because instead of writing this post I would have been on my way to the cruise port in San Francisco, getting ready to head to Alaska.
But you know what, I am happy, healthy and going to have one heck of a fourth of July barbecue (with my Quarantine partners), so life is still great.
It is a reminder to me that just because things don’t end up being what you expect, doesn’t mean you can’t make the best of them!
So this month, I have a few new printables for you, and a few that have been in the library for a while now. Pick your favorite, set a July saving goal and get started!
Quick Guide
Saving Money with Shells

In this money-saving challenge, there are no denominations set. Just 31 individual seashells to allow you to choose your own adventure when it comes to saving money.
One sheet is designed for you to simply divide your total savings goal by 31. Each shell would represent the same amount of money saved.
The second free printable money saving challenge offers you a “key” where you can fill in how much each shell is worth. Here is the breakdown to help you out.
You could have one seashell be worth $1, another worth $2 and so on.

The idea here was to give you a way to add variety. You could also have the seashells mean different things if you want. Some could be dollar goals and others something like no-spend days, pantry shopping, call and reduce a bill, side hustle extra income.
The goal is to figure out how to challenge yourself and save money at the same time!
Fireworks Money Saving Challenges

These two 31-day money saving challenge printables were designed with July 4th in mind. There is a Euros version of the printables available as well for my American friends overseas.
The first is a July 31-day quarter savings challenge where you can save $124 in 31 days. The second is a 31-day dollar savings challenge that results in $496 saved.
As with most of my money-saving challenge printables, feel free to go in order or mix things up. This is your savings journey!
July Stars Savings Challenges
This set was designed with July 4th patriotism at heart but a little less pronounced for those in other countries who may not celebrate this American holiday. I appreciate my readers from all parts of the world.
There are three printables in this set including a $250 saving challenge, a $5 saving challenge, and a no-spend challenge.
July 31-Day $250 Money Saving Challenge

The July $250 money saving challenge printable is my favorite type of savings challenge. Each star represents a different amount saved. This allows you to choose your own adventure when it comes to saving.
You can fill in the stars in order from left to right, do all the reds, then all the light blue, then all the dark blue, or just pick whichever ones suit your fancy on any given day.
The end result, though, is that if all stars are colored in at the end of the month, you will have saved $250!!
July 31-Day $5 Savings Challenge

Some of us love simplicity and that’s what this challenge is all about. Save money this July in $5 increments.
What’s great about this is that it really shows how fast just $5 saved each day will add up. At the end of the month if you have saved 31 $5 bills, that is $155 extra you can put towards paying off debt, savings, or any of your other financial goals.
July 31-Day No-Spend Challenge

To finish off this months free saving challenge printables we have the July no-spend challenge. 31 days, 31 stars. What will you challenge yourself to this month?
Maybe you are going to go all out and try for all 31 days, or maybe you’ll do a single color like:
- 15 no spend days in July (red stars)
- 6 no spend days in July (light blue stars)
- 10 no spend days in July (dark blue stars)
There are lots of options. You can even mix and match like all blue stars are no-spend and all red ones are spend. It’s completely up to you. Have fun with it! Mix things up!
How to Get the Money Saving Challenge Printables
These money saving challenge printables are free exclusively for newsletter subscribers.