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We all buy stuff for the house because we need it, or at least we think we need it. However, as days pass, we realize that many of the items that we thought we would need in the house are lying about uselessly.

If this describes you, you are not alone. A lot of people are in the same dilemma: figuring out how to declutter and organize their house in a reasonable time frame.
Here are some easy ways to ensure that all the useless items leave your house forever leaving you with only what you need for beautification or utility.
Tip 1: Never attempt doing it all at once
Let’s face it, all the stuff that now resides in your house was not collected in one day. Therefore, it’s a very bad idea (and not fair to you) to attempt cleaning it all up in one shot.
You will end up getting tired and overwhelmed within a couple of hours, and the whole process will become futile. A good way to start is to give yourself a fair amount of time and a reasonable goal before you start organizing your house.
Generally, a period of 30 days is considered to be fair and doable. Your aim should be to see a positive difference in your house at the end of 30 days.
Tip 2: Make a dedicated place for collecting all the clutter before disposing it

Make a separate box for your ‘outgoing stuff’, and make sure that you empty it daily. This way, you will be able to lay out cleaning and organizing tasks every day and achieve your daily goals.
The positive reinforcement that you get by having an empty collection box will motivate you to continue until everything for that day is sorted and organized.
Tip 3: Start with the extra decorations
It is advisable to start the decluttering and organizing of your house with the stuff that is only there for added aesthetic value during holidays: the decorations.
Oftentimes, holiday decorations somehow find a way inside our closet and never move out. The result is a pile of decorations from the past several Christmases, most of which you will never use again.
The easiest way to get rid of this clutter is to simply throw them in the collection box and donate them. If nobody is ready to take them, put them in the recycle bin.
Tip 4: Organize pet-related items

The next category on your list should be pet supplies. Look out for all those half-empty packets of pet food, extra collars, hooks, and cubbies.
Sort out the leashes, toys, and bowls and keep everything in one place. This way, not only will you know where to find these items, you will also get rid of any extra and unnecessary stuff.
Tip 5: Scrutinize all storage containers, pots and pans
We all have those big pots and pans that we never use. If you spot some of those in your kitchen, you know what you have to do. Donate the utensils that you haven’t used in the last year.
While you are scrutinizing the pots and pans, scout storage containers that have missing lids or lids that are lying around unused, and dispose of them.
Once you have reduced the number of containers, pots and pans in your kitchen, install a proper storage organizer in the racks or cupboards so that they remain in their proper place.
Tip 6: Take inventory of all food items

We accumulate way more food than we can consume. It is not surprising that a lot of it passes its expiration date and/or gets spoiled.
Once you have tackled the extra pots and pans in your kitchen, you should attack all the food items that have reached their expiration date or show signs of spoilage.
While you’re at it, store all the dry staples properly in separate, airtight jars. You will suddenly discover additional space in your house that you never knew existed.
Tip 7: Get rid of fancy equipment
Did you buy a fancy hair curler that you have only used twice in five years? Do you have an air-fryer that has not been used much? Well, now is the time to get rid of them.
Search your house for such machines and appliances and get rid of whatever is not being used regularly. If you have second thoughts, think about how many times you have used the equipment since purchasing it, and you’ll know what to do with it.
Tip 8: Target the papers

The next item in your hitlist should be everything that is made of paper. You will probably discover a lot of old newspapers, cartons, packaging material, old magazines, notebooks, and a list of receipts and bills that are no longer needed.
After you sort out the essential papers from the rest, send the useless stock for recycling.
Tip 9: Check out the medicines
We tend to stock up on medicines and first-aid supplies without realizing it. When you start reading the medicine labels closely, you’ll be able to identify the ones that have expired or gone bad. All those need to be disposed of properly at your local pharmacist, and the rest need to be put together in a single box (out of the reach of children and animals) for future use.
Tip 10: Assign more than one day for kids’ rooms
Kids tend to accumulate way more things than adults, and for most of their stuff, they don’t really know if they still use or need it. Never attempt organizing the kid’s room in one day. You’ll just get tired and confused. Assign a minimum of two days for this task and multiply it by the number of kids in that room.
Tip 11: Clear Out the Closet
Most people find their closet to be the most difficult thing to organize. Take a good look at your clothing and accessories, one piece at a time. Think of the last time you wore it. If you don’t remember wearing it, it needs to get out of your house. Similarly, donate all ill-fitting items and you’ll find a lot of space suddenly appearing in your closet.

These tips are just a pointer to get started with organizing your house. These will be very handy if you want to organize your house in 30 days or less. Whenever you start to get tired or overwhelmed, it is best to call it quits and resume the same activity the following day. With these points in mind, you will soon find your house decluttered and reorganized. All the best!