There are many types of rebates available. How do rebates work to save you money? Let's dive a little deeper into the topic to find out!
An instant rebate is an instant discount or price reduction at the time of purchase. Instant rebates are typically used by retailers to make it seem urgent to purchase the product now while the "instant rebate" offer is valid.
An online rebate is a discount or refund that can be redeemed entirely online. Typically this type of rebate is offered by the retailer or manufacturer of the product but there are some companies that specialize in online rebates as well.
A mail-in rebate is a cash-back refund that a customer can receive when the purchase a specific item. Typically, mail-in rebates are offered by product manufacturers to encourage the purchase of their items.
A cash rebate or a cash back rebate is where you, as the buyer, will receive a specified dollar amount back when you purchase the item in question.