5 Money Saving Tips While on Maternity Leave

No matter how much money you end up having to cover you during maternity leave, you should spend it wisely and try to save as much as possible

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Brown Rice

Instead of buying new supplies every week you should look for deals on these products and buy in bulk when you can.

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Search for Baby Bargains

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Brown Rice

Just because you’re recovering from giving birth and don’t plan on going back to work at least for a couple of months doesn’t mean you can’t make some money on the side.

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Make Money on the Side

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Brown Rice

Once you are ready to take the baby outside, a coffee date in the morning with a friend might be nice.

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Don’t Neglect “Adult Time”

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Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Your baby doesn’t need expensive things; it just needs your love, care, and attention. You should avoid spending too much money on things like bibs, bed sheets, cots, and baby baths

Forget Expensive Stores

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