Free Printable Expense Calendar for Home Budget

It’s Your Money, Honey. Spend Frantically or Budget it Wisely!

Have you ever wondered how a simply printed table of numbers can make your life so much easier and disentangled? Now imagine that by just looking at that number table, you get a glimpse of all your expenses to date.



Getting Started with Planned Finances

A calendar is essentially a table and tables are great for analyzing numbers. The great thing about a calendar is you can easily see, at a glance, which bills are due when.



What Should Your Budget Calendar Include?

Income - Any date you are sure you will receive income should be indicated on the calendar.

Bills - Monthly fixed and variable bills should be written down as well.

Goal Tracking - You should set short-term and long-term financial goals.



Decorating Your Expense Calendar

It's OK to be plain. If you just want to write things down and move on with your day, that's always OK but...don't be afraid to mix it up a little bit.



Tracking Expenses on the Calendar

I usually write down my daily spending total as well as use stickers to highlight my "no-spend" days. Sometimes I'll use stickers I design.



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